Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oct 21, Revelations from frustrations
Today was more frustrating for me than previous days so far. I woke up to a gas-less generator and with no power comes no water. No water again for about the third straight day. No power means no internet, which means a lot b/c the books that are here aren’t enough information for me to form any sort of a decent lesson plan. With these constant problems floating around me and the fact that if I am supposed to work at the school, then I miss the chance to learn the area that day from one of the other DI’s; which just adds to my frustrations, because I am starting to feel like I am never going to learn how to get around this place. So today I made an agreement with myself (b/c there is really no one else I can talk to) that I am going to memorize the local school map and within the next two weeks teach myself the routes to the different schools. I also found some Chichewa translations and will start to teach myself a little bit of the language, just enough so that I can greet the villagers and ask them simple questions. I can’t rely on other people here, the next two and ½ months have to be about what I can do. If you wait on other people here, you will never get anything done. Time doesn’t mean a whole lot to some of the people here, but it means a lot to me. I need to become self sufficient or I am going to lose my mind and run away. I have started doing every exercise I can think of while I wait on people. If I don’t change something now, I’m going to return home in a homemade orange jumpsuit and a couple of Paul made prison tats. Ahh! Oh well, but in other news I have been having crazy dreams. Not bad dreams or night terrors if you will, but ever since I got here I have just been dreaming. Every night I have vivid dreams, to the point when I wake up I just want to fall back asleep so I can go back to the dream I was having that I was enjoying so much, but I don’t. I have officially been here for two weeks, so two weeks down- ten weeks to go. I am going to Zomba on Friday for a partnership presentation, and Lawrence gets married on Saturday. Then next weekend is my B-day, so I am excited for the weekends here and until I change something I am just treading through the weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul,

    MaryAnne sent me your address. I know I once had it but lost it somehow.

    I have been talking with your Mom about sending a care package. She researched the best way and together we decided to wait until (and if) you get the package from her. She thought it would take 6-9 days. If the address works, I have one ready to go with mostly food in it.

    While catching up on your blog, I have noticed that your experience in Malawi has extracted about every emotion from you. New and unpredictable situations seem to be part of everyday life there. Hopefully, you can manage these situations and grow from them. I think one thing our society teaches us is that every second has to be busy or you are not productive. Adjusting to the pace of life in an emerging country can be frustrating. Hang in there...I know each week will get better for you.

    Looking forward to skyping with you at Thanksgiving if the timeing works out!

    Aunt MTE
