Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct 16: Little bug

I survived my first little bug in Africa and by little bug I mean little sickness. I don’t know why, but for some reason the Big D caught up with me last night. It wasn’t very pleasant in my tiny bathroom, but the worst part was probably the funniest. The first time I had to go # 2, the toilet seat broke into 3 pieces. I have asked 4 times now for a new toilet seat, but it seems like I will never get it. So the worst part of everything is that every time I need to use to the toilet I have to assemble the seat back together before I squat down. It is hardly stable and always makes for an interesting experience. Today I feel much better, I hope to actually do something this weekend. Quick question for all for medical people out there, is it strange that when i wake up in the morning my tongue is brown? I have been eating a lot of beans lately, but i didn't eat any beans yesterday and this morning still brown, so i was just curious. when i brush my teeth and tongue the brown comes off, but better to be safe than sorry out here! Gmail is the best way to get ahold of me or Skype!

1 comment:

  1. Paul
    Sounds like you are a real international aid worker now, the real deal. Your enthusiam is great and admirable and just how I thought you would be. We are so blessed here in the US and take it so much for granted. Bless you for your work. And take care of your tummy! ckd
